from the stars


Cleansing room and aura spray with sage

Cleansing Sage was created specifically for cleaning extremely dirty rooms. It is the first spray that I created many years ago to clean a community room before my yoga classes, which was also used by senior citizen groups and an alcohol party group. These energies vibrate low and heavy. The spray clears the atmosphere quickly and easily and is now particularly popular with body therapists for this effect, to clear the atmosphere between sessions, so that each new client can enter a pure energy field.

The room and aura spray Cleansing Sage also serves well in private households. The spray clears the atmosphere in your personal room, especially when something has brought the energy level down, for example through arguments, phone calls, visits from visits from craftsmen or neighbors. The spray also cleanses your energy field and the room for meditation – if it needs it. After cleaning, you can also use one of the more subtle sprays for meditation.


Sage is traditionally used for smudging. Its earthy smell has an energetically cleansing effect that reaches deep into our soul. Therefore, its smell can sometimes create a feeling of ‘too much’ in us. It clears heavy energies quickly and reliably – but can sometimes also create a feeling of heaviness, as it naturally also touches deep levels within ourselves and wants to clear them. Sage is a true friend that goes deep under the skin – because true friends show you where it hurts, so that healing becomes possible.

Crabapple – flower essence
The crabapple is an apple that usually grows on the side of the road and that we don’t want to eat, because its small apples are hard and sour. Crabapple is the cleansing essence of the Bach flowers. It cleanses on all levels, from the material, coarse, to the emotional levels and on to the subtle, energetic.

Aspen – flower essence
Aspen is one of the flower essences for fear, specifically in the area of ​​indefinable feelings. When we feel something that feels uncomfortable and tight, but we can’t say exactly what it is. Aspen clears our subtle perception.

Walnut – flower essence
The walnut protects and strengthens the human energy field, as well as the room energies. The shape of its shell is reminiscent of the shape of the human aura, which surrounds our physical body and forms a protective shell. Walnut strengthens and/or restores this protection and thus shields us from things, that do not belong to us.

Crystal energies, living water, mantra
Cleansing Sage mainly contains rock crystal energies, supplemented with black tourmaline and hematite, which have the power to disperse low-vibrational energies.
The water used is activated beforehand, which supports its cleansing effect. The spray is rounded off with a living mantra (Sanskrit), which supports cleansing on all levels.

50ml – €21
100ml – €28

Currently you can only order the essences directly from me by email and I only sell them in Germany (due to legal regulations regarding the disposal of packaging). Shipping with DHL €5,49. This project is still under construction – so orders are currently only possible by email: essences (at)